Oracle OCP 1Z0-050(40题)解析
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Which tasks can be accomplished using the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench in Oracle Database 11g? (Choose all that apply.)

A. Generate reports on data failure such as data file failures.

B. You can track the Service Request (SR) and implement repairs.

C. You can package and upload diagnostic data to Oracle Support.

D. You can manually run health checks to gather diagnostic data for a problem.

Answer: B,C,D


题目考查的是 Oracle 11g 中 Enterprise Manager Support Workbench都能做什么。


Enterprise Manager Support Workbench

The Enterprise Manager Support Workbench (Support Workbench) is a facility that enables you to investigate, report, and in some cases, repair problems (critical errors), all with an easy-to-use graphical interface. The Support Workbench provides a self-service means for you to gather first-failure diagnostic data, obtain a support request number, and upload diagnostic data to Oracle Support with a minimum of effort and in a very short time, thereby reducing time-to-resolution for problems. The Support Workbench also recommends and provides easy access to Oracle advisors that help you repair SQL-related problems, data corruption problems, and more.

To access the Support Workbench home page:

  1. Access the Database Home page in Enterprise Manager.

    See  for the instructions for Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control. For Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, go to the desired database target.

  2. Click Software and Support to view the Software and Support page.

  3. In the Support section, click Support Workbench.

    The Support Workbench home page appears, showing the Problems subpage. By default the problems from the last 24 hours are displayed.

  4. To view all problems, select All from the View list.

  5. (Optional) If the Performance and Critical Error section is hidden, click the Show/Hide icon adjacent to the section heading to show the section.

    This section enables you to view any correlation between performance changes and incident occurrences.

  6. (Optional) Under the Details column, click Show to display a list of all incidents for a problem, and then click an incident ID to display the Incident Details page.

To view details for a particular problem:

  1. On the Support Workbench home page, select the problem, and then click View.

    The Problem Details page appears, showing the Incidents subpage. The incidents subpage shows all incidents that are open and that generated dumps—that is, that were not flood-controlled.

  2. (Optional) To view both open and closed incidents, select All Incidents in the Status list. To view both normal and flood-controlled incidents, select All Incidents in the Data Dumped list.

  3. (Optional) To view details for an incident, select the incident, and then click View.

    The Incident Details page appears.

  4. (Optional) On the Incident Details page, to view checker findings for the incident, click Checker Findings.

  5. (Optional) On the Incident Details page, to view the user actions that are available to you for the incident, click Additional Diagnostics. Each user action provides a way for you to gather additional diagnostics for the incident or its problem.

Investigating, Reporting, and Resolving a Problem

This section describes how to use the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench (Support Workbench) to investigate and report a problem (critical error), and in some cases, resolve the problem. The section begins with a "roadmap" that summarizes the typical set of tasks that you must perform.

The following are task descriptions. Subsequent sections provide details for each task.

  • Start by accessing the Database Home page in Enterprise Manager, and reviewing critical error alerts. Select an alert for which to view details, and then go to the Problem Details page.

  • Examine the problem details and view a list of all incidents that were recorded for the problem. Display findings from any health checks that were automatically run.

  • Optionally run additional health checks or other diagnostics. For SQL-related errors, optionally invoke the SQL Test Case Builder, which gathers all required data related to a SQL problem and packages the information in a way that enables the problem to be reproduced at Oracle Support.

  • Optionally create a service request with OracleMetaLink and record the service request number with the problem information. If you skip this step, you can create a service request later, or the Support Workbench can create one for you.

  • Invoke a guided workflow (a wizard) that automatically packages the gathered diagnostic data for a problem and uploads the data to Oracle Support.

  • Optionally maintain an activity log for the service request in the Support Workbench. Run Oracle advisors to help repair SQL failures or corrupted data.

  • Set status for one, some, or all incidents for the problem to Closed.

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